UPPSC Staff Nurse Syllabus 2023, And Exam Pattern Download


General Knowledge Indian History and the Indian National Movement: A thorough understanding of social, economic, and political facets of Indian history should be prioritized in studies of Indian history. Candidates for the Indian National Movement should have a comprehensive understanding of the freedom struggle, the rise of nationalism, and the attainment of independence.

Indian and World Geography- Physical, Social, Economic Geography of India and the World:- Questions on the Geography of India will relate to Physical, Social & Economic Geography of India. In World Geography only a general understanding of the subject will be expected.

Panchayati Raj and Public Policy, the Constitution of India, the Political System, Rights-Related Issues, etc. Knowledge of the Indian Constitution, the political system, including the Panchayati Raj, and Community Development will be put to the test in questions on Indian politics and governance.

Indian Economy and Social Development:– The candidates will be tested concerning problems and relationships between Population, Environment, Urbanisation; broad features of economic policy in India, and Indian Culture.

Current International and National Events:- Additionally, there will be questions on games and sports.

Indian Agriculture:- The candidates will be expected to have a general understanding of agriculture in India, agricultural produce, and its marketing.

General Science:- Questions on General Science will cover general appreciation and understanding of science including matters of everyday observation and experience, as may be expected of a well-educated person, who has not made a special study of any scientific discipline. This will also include questions on the role of science and technology in the development of India.

Elementary Mathematics up to class 10th level:-Arithmetic, Algebra and Geometry.

Nersing Anatomy & Physiology: Skeletal System, Muscular System, Cardio-Vascular System, Respiratory System, Digestive System, Excretory System, Nervous System, Endocrine System, Reproductive System, and Sense Organs.

Fundamentals of Nursing: Nursing as a profession, Maintenance of therapeutic Environment, Nursing Process and Nursing Care Plan, Admission and Discharging of a Patient, The Dying Patient, Hygienic needs and Physical needs, Activity and Exercises, Safety needs, Elimination needs, Care and special condition, Meeting nutritional needs, Observation of Patient, Care of Equipment, Barrier Nursing, administration of drugs, Recording, and Reporting

First Aid: Meaning and Rules of First Aid Emergency such as Fire; Earthquakes; Famines; Fractures; Accident; Poisoning; Drowning; Haemorrhage; Insects bites; Foreign bodies Transportation of the injured, Bandaging and splinting, Immediate and later role of nurse

Medical-Surgical Nursing: Role and Responsibilities of Nurse in Medical and Surgical Setting. Care of Surgical patient, Anesthesia. Diseases of the Cardiovascular System, Gastro-Intestinal System, Genito Urinary System, and Nervous System. Disorder and Diseases of the Respiratory System, Musculo-Skeletal System. Blood Disorder and Blood Transfusion.

Microbiology: Scope and usefulness of knowledge of microbiology in Nursing, Classification of Micro-organisms and factors influencing growth, Sources of Infection, Portals of Entry and Exit of microbes, Transmission of infection, Collection of Specimens and Principles to keep in mind while collecting specimen, Immunity, Control and destruction of micro-organisms

Psychology: Definition, Scope, and Importance for Nurses, Psychology of human behavior: Emotions, Attitudes, Frustration and Defense mechanisms, Personality, Intelligence, and Related Factors, Learning and Observation.

Sociology: Importance of Sociology in Nursing. The Socio-cultural and Economic aspects of the community and their effects on health and illness. The Family: Family as a social institution and basic unit for health service, Basic needs of the family, Advantages of Planned parenthood.

The Family: Family as a social institution and basic unit for health service, Basic needs of the family, Advantages of Planned parenthood.

Economy: Resources of the country – Natural, occupational, agricultural, industrial, etc.

Personal Hygiene: Maintenance of Health, Physical Health, and Mental Health.

Social Security: Population explosion – its effect on the economy and the need for population control, Budgeting for a family, per capita income, and its impact on health and illness.

The Society: Concept of society, Rural and Urban Society, Social Problems, unmarried mothers, dowry System, drug addiction, alcoholism, delinquency, handicapped, child abuse, domestic violence, women abuse, Social agencies, and remedial measures.

Computer in Nursing: Disk operating systems, Use of computer in Nursing, Internet & Email in Nursing.

Environmental Hygiene: Water: Safe & wholesome water, Uses of Water, Water pollution, Waterborne disease, and water purification. Air: Air pollution, prevention & Control of Air pollution. Waste: Refuse, Excrete, Sewage, Health hazards of these wastes Collection, removal, and disposal of the wastes, Housing, Noise.


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